MantelMount Blog

Do Us Both a Favor: Buy This Pull-Down TV Mount, Already

In this blog, we try to provide general information about mounts, televisions, TV-viewing positions, and other helpful tidbits.  We also try to entertain you with some lighter material on occasion.  We don’t sell our MantelMount Pull-Down TV Mount™ too hard because 1) we don’t want to be obnoxious, and 2) we believe that it sells itself.  Oh, we always mention...

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How Far Should You Sit From Your TV?

While your purchase of MantelMount can take you far down the path to the land of optimal TV viewing, there are other factors involved in getting you to your final destination.  One of them is the distance you should sit from your TV screen.  There are a number of articles online talking about the optimum distance between you and your...

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Is It OK to Mount Your TV Above the Fireplace?

Ever since flat screen televisions were developed, there has been extensive discussion about whether they should be mounted above a fireplace.  Many interior design experts have poo-pooed the idea, citing it as “lazy” designing or decrying the fact that the television should never be the visual focal point of a room. Of course, regardless of your aesthetic sensibilities, opponents of...

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MantelMount & Thanksgiving: The Perfect Match-Up

OK, so you already know that MantelMount is absolutely the best pull-down mount on the market for flatscreen televisions, especially when you’re mounting above a fireplace.  Moves up and down, swivels left to right, heat-sensing handles, great construction.  Most importantly, MantelMount puts your TV at the perfect viewing angle, lowering it so that you are seeing the picture directly at...

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What's Your Position on TV Viewing?

We’ve pretty much established that MantelMount is the premier pull-down mount for flat screen televisions.  Once you pull the mount down and get it focused at eye level, you’re going to enjoy TV much more, while eliminating the neck and back pain that often happens from looking up at a TV that is placed too high on the wall.  But...

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