New Year's Resolutions? MantelMount Can Help You Keep Them

It’s that time, when many of us make resolutions for the coming year.  Whether it’s a promise to lose weight, find a better job, or stop biting your nails, we strive to make ourselves – and our lives – a little bit better. 

Most resolution “experts” (not sure how you become one) contend that a great way to ensure you stick to your promises is to make them as specific as possible.  For example, don’t just say, “I’m going to be healthier.”  Instead, commit to a specific number of times you will go the gym each week.  Or if you pledge to be nicer to your spouse, make it a point to deliver at least one compliment to him or her each day. 

So, in recognition of the time-honored tradition of making New Year’s resolutions (and ensuring they are as detailed as possible), here are some suggested changes to help make your TV viewing – and your life - more enjoyable in 2017:

Buy a Pull-Down Mount. This one is a no-brainer.  You’ve been watching your flat screen TV above your fireplace or high on a wall for far too long.  It’s a terrible viewing angle, and it’s detracting from your TV-watching experience.  MantelMount will let you pull your TV down to eye level and watch your flatscreen TV the way it was meant to be watched. 

Get Rid of That Pain in Your Neck.  No, we’re not talking about your boss or your kids.  We’re talking about the neck (and back) pain you’ve gotten from watching a TV that is positioned too high.  Purchasing a MantelMount will help you achieve this resolution, too: By bringing your flat screen TV down to eye level, you will no longer be forced to crane your neck upwards, which will help alleviate any neck or back aches.  See, you’re already getting healthier and you haven’t even gone to the gym yet. 

Buy a Bigger TV.  When it comes to TV’s, bigger is better.  That doesn’t mean that smaller flat screen TV’s are bad.  A 42-inch model is a nice TV.  But a 50-inch is nicer.  And a 57-inch is even nicer.  But not as nice as a 60-inch.  You get the idea.  Of course, your new MantelMount will be able to accommodate TV’s up to 80 inches diagonal measure (the new MM700 Pro Series Mount holds TV’s up to 90 inches), so you’re unlikely to outgrow your MantelMount anytime soon.

Stop Watching “The Odd Couple.”  This is not meant as an insult to anyone who likes the show, but it is terrible.  According to Variety, CBS, which airs the program nationally, “is not ordering additional episodes of the third season of the show, which will run 13 episodes.  However, the show is not cancelled and will remain in contention for a fourth season, though ratings will likely have to improve for the comedy to score a renewal.”  The writing is awful, the plots predictable, and the acting makes Keanu Reaves look like Laurence Olivier.  You can feel yourself getting dumber as you watch it.  Save yourself.

As you can see, your new MantelMount will not only make TV watching more enjoyable, it will help you make – and achieve - some significant New Year’s resolutions. 

Go to and start off 2017 the right way.   

And stop watching “The Odd Couple.”  Really.  We’re not kidding. 
